Saturday, 14 December 2019

क्या आप एक प्रोक्रिस्टिनेटर हैं?

क्या आप एक प्रोक्रिस्टिनेटर हैं? - मैं जानता हूं कि आप हो...
डॉक्टर ने अपने मरीज की ओर मुखातिब होते हुए कहा,"रमेश, मेरे पास कुछ बुरी 
खबरें हैं और कुछ बहुत बुरी खबरें हैं।"
रमेश संबंधित मरीज ने कहा, "मैं बुरी खबर और अच्छी खबर को संभाल सकता हूं,
 लेकिन बुरी खबर और बहुत बुरी खबर?"
डॉक्टर ने पूछा कि उसे कौन सा शेयर करना चाहिए। रमेश पहले बुरी खबर चाहता था।
"ठीक है," डॉक्टर ने दुखी होकर कहा, "सभी परीक्षणों के परिणाम अंदर हैं और
 आपके पास जीने के लिए केवल 24 घंटे हैं।"
"क्या? ? ? ?
यदि वह बुरी खबर है तो संभवतः इससे भी बदतर क्या हो सकता है? "
डॉक्टर ने माफी मांगते हुए कहा,"हमने कल पता लगाया और आपको बताना भूल गए।"
चीजों से बचने के लिए कई बहानों के साथ आना अपेक्षाकृत आसान है।
बहानों का इलाज है! एक दर्पण में देखें और आप इलाज देखेंगे। केवल एक व्यक्ति
 जो आपको विरासत से रोक सकता है वह है आप!
 बस एक "अभी करो"मानसिकता को अपनाओ।
अपने Procrastination को आगे बढ़ाएं!

Investment Sahi…Future Sahi

Friday, 25 October 2019


Long, long ago, there lived a monster in a tiny village. The villagers were terrified of it and felt that their hamlet was cursed to have such a creature living in their midst.

Several men tried to fight the monster. One man attacked it with a sword, but the creature grabbed the weapon, and almost magically pulled out another sword—twice as large, twice as sharp—and cut the attacking man in half.

At another time, a villager set off with a huge wooden club to clobber the monster. The monster responded by slamming him with a wooden club twice as heavy as the one he had brought along.

On yet another occasion, a villager tried to set the monster on fire. But the monster merely opened its mouth to swallow the fire; and in return, spewed leaping flames that roasted the poor man. Scared by these incidents, the village folk gave up trying to fight the monster. They began to believe that this was their lot and they would have to learn to live with it.

Then, one day, a little boy said he would go and vanquish the monster. The people were surprised, but despite their skepticism, they went along to send the little boy to take on the monster. As the boy looked up at the giant, the monster just flared its nostrils and glared back. The people were frightened. The little boy took out an apple and offered it to the monster. The monster grabbed it, popped it into its mouth, and then thrust its clenched fist in front of the boy. Bam! As the fist slowly opened, the people were astonished to see that it held two delicious apples. Twice as red and twice as large as the apple the boy had offered.

There is a lesson for all Equity Investors.

If we view the market as a monster and try to outsmart it, the market will invariably come back to hurt you. But if you view the market as a helpful friend and treat is with patience like we would treat a friend, it will return your investment many times over.

People who view the market as a game to play with the aim of outsmarting it are called speculators.

Those who treat the market as a long term friend and invest their patience and money in it are called investors.

Happy Investing!


Sunday, 29 September 2019


यह पहली बार हो सकता है कि मुंबई की  लाइफ और निवेश पर लेख लिखा जा है।

मैं हमेशा की तरह मुंबई की यात्रा कर रहा था, सभी यात्रियों को मुंबई में लोकल और टैक्सियों के माध्यम से यात्रा करने की आवश्यकता होती है। और इस बार मुझे मुंबई के जीवन और निवेश के बीच बहुत प्रगाढ़ संबंध नजर आये।

मुंबईकर आम तौर पर समय पर स्टेशन पर पहुंचते हैं क्योंकि अगर उनको उनकी रेगुलर लोकल नहीं मिली जिसमें वे आराम से जाते हैं तो  वो  दिन उनके लिए एक खराब दिन होता है।

so Mumbaikar make sure चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए they want that precise local. which is their regular one.
my Question all of you is that why we don't follow the same philosophy in life, चाहे कुछ भी हो जाए, I will save 20% of my income in the wealth-creating instrument,नही तो आपकी जिंदगी की प्लानिंग छूट जाएगी.

अधिकतर local trains प्लेटफार्म बदलते रहते है । सो लोग ब्रिज के बिच में खड़े होते है जिससे की उन्हें जब पता चलता है की कौन से प्लेटफार्म पर लोकल आ रही है उसके हिसाब से वे अपना अगला सफर तय करते है। इसलिए यह वही है कि बाजार कब ऊपर या नीचे जा रहा है किसी को पता नहीं है। यहां तक ​​कि अगर आप विशेषज्ञ हैं और वर्षो के अनुभव के बाद भी आप बाजार को टाइम नहीं कर सकते । बाजार भी आपको आश्चर्यचकित करते हैं, जैसे ट्रेन उद्घोषक आपको आश्चर्यचकित करते हैं।
ऐसे सिचुएशन में आप अपने पैसो को Liquid Fund में लेके रख सकते हो जिसमे आपको Risk न हो और साधारण फायदा हो रहा हो जो की फिक्स्ड डिपाजिट से ज्यादा ही होता है, फिर जब आपको market Fair Value है ये समझ में आये तब आप invest करे।
आगे क्या होता है ये भी और इंटरेस्टिंग है। अब आप प्लेटफार्म पे खड़े हो ,लेकिन आपको जगह मिलेगी ये तय नहीं है ,भले ही आप रोज जाते हो, लेकिन अगर आप भीड़ में सही जगह खड़े हो गए तो आप पक्का ट्रैन के अंदर घुस जाओगे वार्ना भीड़ आपको बहार कर देगी । अब देखिये साहब बाजार भी यही करता है। एक तो आपको ये पता रहे की जगह सही कोनसी है, मतलब इन्वेस्टमेंट प्रोडक्ट कोनसा सही है वार्ना आप देखते रह जाओगे और आपको सही Return नहीं मिलेगा, और अगर आपको सही जगह न पता हो तो किसी अच्छे से सलाह लेलो। means एडवाइजर ढूंढो। आपका पक्का फायदा होगा ये तय है |
मैंने यही किया मुझे पता नहीं था की कहा खड़ा होना है ?मैंने एक सज्जन से पूछा तो उन्होंने बताया, भाई यहाँ खड़े हो जाओ, अपने आप अंदर आ जाओगे और हुआ भी वही। और अगर आपने ये कहा की नहीं जी मुझे ये सब भीड़ नहीं चाहिए तो आप ३० Rs. की जगह १००० Rs. देके टैक्सी में चले जाओ और वो भी सही समय पे पहुंचेगी या नहीं वो आपको पता नहीं। लोकल की तो फिर भी गॅरंटी है।

अब सबसे इंटरेस्टिंग बात, आप जैसे तैसे ट्रैन के अंदर आ गए, अब तकलीफ ये है जनाब के आपको आपके पैर रखने के अलावा १ इंच भी जगह नहीं है। हालत तो यहाँ तक है की २ लोगो के बिच से धागा भी पास नहीं हो सकता। फिर भी लोग खूब हस्ते है, एन्जॉय करते है, मस्ती करते है और बड़े मजे से अपना सफर काट रहे होते है । ये सब सब बहोत नार्मल है उनके लिए क्युकी ये उनका रोज का काम है, क्युकी उन्हें पता है लोकल ट्रैन के अलावा उनके पास फ़ास्ट, सस्ता, और समय पे जाने का कोई दूसरा विकल्प नहीं है।
ये बिलकुल हमारे market के जैसे है, मतलब बाजार बहोत ऊपर निचे होता है, बहोत ढुलमुल है, आप बहोत यहाँ आरामदायक तरीके से सफर करोगे? बिलकुल भी नहीं ,यहाँ तक आप परेशान हो जाओगे की मै कहा फस गया हु, धागे की तरह, लेकिन दोस्तों if you Enjoy, do Masti, and just make Friend to the Trend of market, believe me your time will get finish in next couple of years and you will land up with huge and sustainable profit. just like people of Mumbai reach their destination.
क्युकी आपके पास भी इससे फ़ास्ट, सस्ता, और आपके जिंदगी के सपनो को पूरा करने वाला, ज्यादा फायदा कमाने का Guarenteed तरीका कोई दूसरा रास्ता नहीं है। थोड़ा अड़चन वाला है , थोड़ा परेशान करने वाला है, थोड़ा अप्रत्याशित है, लेकिन यही सबसे सही है।

Investment Sahi...Future Sahi. 

Thursday, 26 September 2019


  1. INDIA is at par than the rest of the world now in respect of Tax.
  2. Global corporations may start Capex in India by doing so they may manage Risk better of there own businesses.
  3. Most of the manufacturing companies will get benefited from this tax cut. 
  4. 20% earnings for the next 2 years is nowhere on the planet except India.
  5. Jobs will come back because of additional liquidity.
  6. Consumption may revive as prices may come down.
  7. A good monsoon will play a great role in Rural Economy it leads to better Rural income.
  8. Eventually, Rerating of Companies will be likely and Certainly of India. 
  9. More savings better management of Funds more cash flow and Better utilization of resources become earnings.
  10. Ranking of Global tourism India is 34th now.
  11. You must have started receiving now SMS and emails from banks for the loans.
  12. Transmission of interest rates may start sooner or later. 
  13. Steps which FM is taking will be reflecting in the economy in the next 3-4 quarters.
  14. US & China trade war we feel that deal may happen sooner before the US election leads to uncertainty and disruption.
  15. Liquidity may ease out on NBFC front so credit market will get better. 
  16. Political stability for the next 5 years
  17. Infrastructure is far superior to never before. 
  18. Building more bigger cities. 
  19. Average per capita income crossing 
  20. 3rd highest air passenger traffic in the globe.
All n all we believe that India is one of the best destinations in the world to do the business and whenever the business is building wealth normally is get created. 
Grap an opportunity to create better wealth in one of the best opportunity in the world. 
Invest in India.

Investment Sahi...Future Sahi.  

Saturday, 14 September 2019

The world is changing fast, the rules of investing too. up to yesterday only Deposits were the safest option however after deducting inflation Depositor is in net negative returns. 

Now you have the New option in the world of investing is P2P lending and earn better returns on your deposit money. 

Peer-to-peer ( P2P) investment is a new alternative to traditional investment methods because when the two are compared, peer-to-peer platforms come forward as a better option as it deals with two issues in particular:
  1. As saving rates are low, private investors/lenders would need returns
  2.  For supporting fund deals and grow businesses borrowers need money
Should one then invest in P2P lending? There are two different views so let’s compare them.
  •                              P2P lending या क्राउड फंडिंग ?
P2P Lending, also known as Crowd lending has similarities as suggest the names. The only difference is, crowd funding is a means of funding a product and receiving a product while P2P lending involves buying parts of loans with the aim of getting the principle amount plus profit.
  •                                      P2P या रियल एस्टेट सौदे ?
Comparing the two shows that P2P is a better option. While real estate crowd funding shows that 3-7% returns are generated, with P2P lending10-15% is expected. But there is a risk because real estate investing has less risk involved and it’s easier to recover the debt.
  •                                 P2P lending या बैंक बचत ?
Having huge sums tucked away in your bank account would ultimately result in losses due to inflation if product prices skyrocketing. Perhaps sidelining the money in saving accounts may be a good option for short term goals.
  •                             कंपनी बांड के साथ तुलना
Company Bonds often do not provide the security needed for firm investments. Since you’re pouring money directly into the company, instances of companies failing entirely may result in loss of capital. Adding to that, bonds, not even fancy is mostly centered on 3.5-7% payment.
  •                                 स्टॉक्स और P2P Lending
With P2P lending securing 26% higher returns in researches carried out in 2018, statistics are clear in showing the more ‘investment-friendly’ option of the two. Stocks would not be discouraged for long-term goals by any means, but if your plan involves earning money right away, P2P lending would be more suitable.
           P2P lending की कुछ कमियां को ध्यान में रखना चाहिए
जोखिम शामिल होंग
Realistically like several others, P2P lending involves moderate risks. Keeping in mind the state of the world economy, it is possible that loan originators and platforms would suffer. However, besides the obvious risk management steps, diversifying and investing a little amount in each loan relating to the right platforms can help make up for it.
  •                                        समय महत्वपूर्ण है
Investments on P2P platforms can be covered in a matter of minutes using the platforms auto investment strategy as available in Mintos and Twino. However, if you choose to invest in a variety of loans and platforms, it is understood that a considerable chunk of your time would be spent on P2P investments.
Net worth reports and monthly income reports of several FIRE bloggers fail to make the cut, not even being helpful enough for basic concerns as the risk of capital dwindling due to loan or platform originator bankruptcy.
                        महत्वपूर्ण बाते P2P lending के पहले
  •                                      FAYADE KA SUADA
Very few investment classes provide ease as P2P investments. They are easily accessible to an average person with high returns and are much less risky than the other option of cryptocurrency. This is due to the high technical barriers of entry and meeting and high complexity.
                                           SIKHANA PADEGA
All-important dealing investments require a good amount of learning to make the best choice. Whilst knowing the ins and outs of investing in differing assets classes I highly recommended that it can be easily covered in P2P platforms and crowd funding websites, awareness regarding your own reaction which is needed before you decide the nature of your investment.
                                             PATE KI BAAT
It is well understood that pros and cons exist, and P2P lending is not void of such reality. Returns are at risk if the wrong choices are made but if insured that you diversify correctly P2P platforms, they can yield a very positive experience as Mintos has promised and kept its repute up to mark.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019


The Equity market, valuations have seen sharp corrections  (across several metrics such as relative to other emerging markets, earnings-bond yield gap, Market cap to GDP, and in the mid &  small-cap segment). Sentiments, as measured by our proprietary indicator,  has moved to the pessimistic  extreme, which augurs well for 12  months forward returns. As such, the equity market looks attractive from the forward returns perspective. We expect earnings growth to improve over its average growth of 5% in the last five years but unlikely to meet street expectations of earnings growth of +30% for FY20. Our top-down earnings growth forecast for FY20 is at ~20% led primarily by the financials. Ex of financials, earnings growth is likely to remain muted. Having said that, corporate profits to GDP has touched a multi-decade low and a mean reversion should be in order. Both, the global and domestic environment can’t look gloomier than this but precisely at these points,  one should not lose sight of the long-term picture. Since 1982 every year there were one or other crisis market come across and it's very normal behavior of market for which we believe nothing to take seriously. As its a normal nature of market so we need to take it as normal.  The list is for your reference. 
1982 - the Worst recession in 40 years, debt crisis.

1983 - Market hits record - "Market too high".
1984 - Record U.S. Federal deficits.
1985 - Economic growth slows.
1986 - Dow nears 2000 - "Market too high"
1987 - The Crash -Black Monday.
1988 - Fear of Recession.
1989 - Junk Bond collapse.
1990 - Gulf War, the worst market decline in 16 years.
1991 - Recession - "Market too high"
1992 - Elections, market flat.
1993 - Businesses continue restructuring.
1994 - Interest rates are going up.
1995 - The market is too high.
1996 - Fear of Inflation.
1997 - Irrational Exuberance.
1998 - Asia Crisis.
1999 - Y2K.
2000 - Technology Correction.
2001 - Recession, World Trade Center Attack.
2002 - Corporate Accounting Scandals.
2003 - War in Iraq.
2004 - U.S. has massive trade & budget deficits.
2005 - Record oil & gas prices.
2006 - Housing bubble bursts.
2007 - Sub-prime mortgage crisis.
2008 - Banking & Credit crisis.
2009 - Recession - "Credit Crunch"
2010 - Sovereign debt crisis.
2011 - Eurozone crisis.
2012 - U.S. fiscal cliff.
2013 - Federal Reserve to "taper" stimulus.
2014 - Oil prices plunge.
2015 - Chinese stock market sell-off.
2016 - Brexit, U.S. presidential election.
2017 - Stocks at record highs, Bitcoin mania.
2018 - Trade Wars, rising interest rates.
2019 - India GDP at 5 %
We strongly believe that when the market in this situation just buys in the sale. because in a good market you need to give premium a today things are available in discount. Current challenges are surely big but not insurmountable.

Monday, 15 July 2019

बाजार में पैसा बनाने का विकल्प कहां है?

Compared to Nifty 50 , Nifty Mid cap & Nifty Small cap is down by -15% and - 31% respectively.

Only few are driving the market, remaining all are laggards.

Extreme divergence in large, Mid & Small Cap companies in terms of fall.

Small & Mid cap still down from peaks despite recent pullback.
Change in institutional holding from Dec 31 to june 2019. The no.of stocks availability in segment is more than large cap or bluechip.
Divergence between Nifty 50, Nifty mid cap and Small Cap is also at Historical Extreme.
Mid cap stocks market cap at 5 year low. However it still making money means the gap of cash flow and valuation is clear & visible. Valuation corrected back to 2014 lows.
Small Cap valuations also at 2014 Low.
Improving liquidity and reducing interest rate have helped midcaps in the past. At present looking into government situation and commentary along with inflation rate we feel that interest rate may further cut.
We believe it may poised to take off down the line next 3 year plus time horizon.

Please write in comment box in case you are having any other suggestion or the question on your present portfolio.

Monday, 8 July 2019

26 Mistakes are destroying Your financial lives?

 Buying insurance policies for investment purpose: Have you invested your money in insurance plan to get a return in future? Big mistake! Out of 100 people I have spoken, 95 have made this mistake.. Very few people understand the difference between term plan, endowment plan, etc.

Not able to crack the credit card mystery: Are you paying the minimum amount due on your credit card payment? If yes, you are trapped in credit card mystery. On the other side, very few people really enjoy the benefits like free lounge access, buy one get one movie ticket, etc.

No idea about the power of compounding: Everyone has come across the formula of compounding but very few people really understand its power. This is the reason people do not start saving early and hence lose out on the power of compounding. Albert Einstein said that power of compounding is the eighth wonder of the world.

Buying stocks based on tips without any knowledge: You will find every Tom, Dick and Harry giving stock tips over Facebook, Whatsapp and TV. Unfortunately, a lot of people fall in a trap of these people and invest money without any knowledge. What is the end result? They lose everything!

Becoming a victim of lifestyle inflation: Moving from 2bhk to 3bhk just because you have got a good hike, upgrading your car because you have got some bonus are some of the examples of lifestyle inflation destroying financial lives.

Buying things just because they are on discount: From Amazon’s “Great Indian Sale” to Flipkart’s “The Big Billion Days”, everyone is encashing on the weakness of Indians buying things just because it is on discount. Funny thing is now you will find such sales every other month.

Getting tempted to go for an exotic vacation just because someone put a post on Facebook and Instagram: Instagram and Facebook are introduced as Social Media Platform but they are actually destroying the entire social fabric. Friends are jealous of each other. Most of them are just social media friends. Facebook and Instagram are more of a marketing platform where people post stuff just to get some likes and companies promote their product and services.

Spending a bomb on weekend parties: 5 days work and 2 days party: This is the new culture in India. Pubs are jam-packed on weekends where people would spend a bomb on drinks. By the end of the month, they are left with no money.

No track of cash flow: Very few people keep a track of their expenses. Most of them just don’t know where the money is gone.

No emergency budget: Not having any extra money in the case of an emergency results in embarrassing situations of borrowing money from friends and relative. Some people even break their investments and make a big mistake.

No medical insurance: I have seen people losing out the lifetime savings just because they did not take medical insurance. One accident can shatter all financial dreams. Better be insured. Healthcare cost is rising and it is impossible to manage it without insurance.

No financial plan: People do not know why they need to save money because they don’t know their financial goals.

No diversification: Some people would invest all their money in real estate, some would invest all the money in gold, some would just keep it in the locker, some would invest all the money in the stock market. Very few people understand the right way of diversifying the investments.

Spending all the hard earned money on children marriage: Thanks to our hippocratic society! People save their entire life just to spend all the money on random relatives who only bother about the food and arrangements. What is the topic of discussion at weddings? “Sharma ji ne to unki beti ko car gift kari. (Mr Sharma has gifted a car to his daughter)”. “Mehta ji ne unki beti ko 50 tola sona diya” (Mr Mehta has gifted 500-gram gold to his daughter.)

Buying excessive gold only to keep it in the locker: Gold worth lakhs is kept in lockers only to be used once or twice a year. This is resulting in the money getting blocked and hence not getting any returns on it.

An extremely conservative approach with investment: Traditionally, people have been risk-averse. They would just have an FD and live on 6–7% annual interest. Some would just keep the cash at home.

Lack of clarity between asset and liability: Having a car is not an asset because it consumes fuel and has a maintenance cost. Its price will only depreciate in the future. Car is a necessity but people spend a lot of money and even take the loan to buy a luxury car over and above their budget.

Considering frugal as cheap: A lot of people confuse economic spending with being cheap. An economic spender does not compromise with quality but does his research well enough to buy the product or service at the lowest rate.

Procrastinating investment decisions: “I will invest from tomorrow”. But the problem is that tomorrow never comes.

Spending a lot of money on fancy stuff: A fancy car, a fancy house, a fancy watch, a fancy vacation. People want fancy stuff and willing to pay a premium irrespective of the value it generates.

Lack of patience: “I can’t wait for my wealth to grow. I want to double my investments in 6 months. I need to invest in the stock market.” A lot of people lose their lifetime of savings because they don’t have the patience to understand the investment option and would blindly trust anyone with their investment.

Depending upon others for investment decisions: “I don’t know anything about investment. Please manage my money.” Unfortunately, a lot of people are dependent upon others with their hard earned money. This is the reason we have a lot of self-proclaimed experts giving stock market tips.

Not discussing the money matters in the family: Discussions related to money are considered as a taboo in Indian families. Nobody really discusses money matters.

Getting too greedy with investment: People blindly invest their money in penny stocks, day trading, futures and options. They eventually lose all their hard earned money. What is the root cause? GREED

Wasting time on unproductive things: Rather than learning new stuff and growing the skillset, people end up wasting time on social media and YouTube.

Lack of disciplined investment: Instead of spending what is left after investing, people invest what is left after spending. This results in undisciplined investment.

Root Cause: Lack of knowledge about personal financial management!!